Hobby model railway exhibitions in Italy

Hobby model expo, fairs of electric trains, model railway layout, car, aircraft  and naval models and model farm layouts

In Italy, the most important railway models exhibitions take place in Verona in spring and in Novegro in autumn. In other regions, enthusiasts organize local fairs of considerable interest. Living in the high Piedmont, I decided in this section to propose the images of the three events near Biella

  1. Prossima Fermata Candelo 
  2. Tollegno in Scala 
  3. Mongrando Model Show 

Prossima Fermata Candelo - Hobby Model railway exhibition

Tollegno in scala - models exhibition at 360°

Mongrando Model Show exhibition

Fiera in campo : the agricultural fair of Caresana Vercelli

Hobby model expo di Novegro

Other important model trains exhibitions in Piedmont