Haydarpasa - The Train Station of Istambul

Haydarpasa: the historic German-style train station, located on the Asian side of Istanbul, the arrival point of the international "Orient Express" train. The taste, the splendor and the memory  of a past time that no longer exists

The Haydarpasa train station is located directly on the Asian coast of Istanbul, which can be easily reached by ferry, or by the expressway (always busy). Outside there is a small fully renovated steam locotender parked. Entering you can see the ticket offices, many bars of level crossings in golden alloy, the benches to sit down, the signs with the routes and the prices; also the small restaurant and the barber were kept in the style of the 40s. Currently it is a depot of many abandoned trains, but some lines with medium-east destination are still active. In fact, every week a train leaves China-Beijing (called Trans Asia-Express), passing from Ankara, Tabriz, Tehran (Iran). Certainly, once the station was much more active, as it was the arrival point of the legendary "Oriente Express" train that departed from London, reaching Istanbul touching the most important European Capitals.